I have recently started developing a flutter/dart project getting some basic pages set up and navigation.
I have a MySQL database that I would like to incorporate and I found the mysql1 package to help me do this. I've imported the package and used the examples found here.
The problem I'm having is that I can't seem to see any of the data in the db.
in my Main.dart I have this:
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:mysql1/mysql1.dart';
Future main() async {
// Open a connection (testdb should already exist)
final connection = await MySqlConnection.connect(new ConnectionSettings(
host: '',
port: 3306,
user: 'root',
password: 'gDrP^6W42f9Z',
db: 'EntomologyApp',
var results = await connection.query('select * from Account'); // expected results
// Finally, close the connection
await connection.close();
After trying so many different approaches and not reaching any real solution I don't know what to try next.
Here, I expect a connection to made to MySQL DB and the data to be accessed through the connection.query
select statement. I then expect it to print out the results just so I can clarify there is results.
When I run the exact same query in SQL workbench, I get results of dummy data I have inserted for testing but here all I get in the console is '()' which I would assume is just an empty list of potential records.
Now, I know it may seem like there's a connection issue, but if I put this line of code in just above the other query code:
await connection.query(
'CREATE TABLE users (id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(255), email varchar(255), age int)');
it works and creates a 'users' table in workbench, then any time I run after, it will say a table already exists called 'users'. I have this code here just to test that table creation works. I want to access the data in the 'Account' table however, of which there are plenty of records now.
I have now tested inserting a single record with:
await connection.query('insert into Account (email, password) values ("bob@bob.com", "password123")');
and it successfully creates a record in the Account table, so creation statements seem to work but select doesn't.
I do not have an answer or solution to this problem, during the troubleshooting of this post I played around with using the http package and followed a very insightful straight forward tutorial series by the CodingCafe on YouTube which has helped me now create a reliable connection with my Flutter Dart project and my backend SQL database which I've now migrated to a XAMPP server.
Anyone struggling to work with mysql1, I would recommend http as it does seem more flexible to use when working with json payloads.
Thank you for the help