
Where can I find the Conversational Profile Link when integrating Dialogflow CX with Voximplant?

Currently I integrated an agent of Dialgoflow CX with Voximplant. I am having trouble adding an EventListener with CCAI.Conversation. It seems that I need to add the conversational profile link of Dialogflow CX, but I'm not sure where to find it.

agent.addEventListener(CCAI.Events.Agent.Started, () => {
    conversation = new CCAI.Conversation({ agent, profile: { name: profile }, project: appName });
    conversation.addEventListener(CCAI.Events.Conversation.Created, () => {
      isConversationCreated = true;


  • The only way to integrate Voximplant with Dialogflow CX is using one-click integration, and in this case conversation profile is created automatically and is put into the scenario code, so you shouldn't need to create conversation profile and corresponding part of scenario manually.