
How to make custom graphql query with parameters?

On laravel site with lighthouse I need to make custom query with some filters and some output fields formatted in custom way

Checking all lighthouse commands :

php artisan lighthouse

I create custom query :

php artisan lighthouse:query Items

But I am not sure how have I to change graphql file and query request? In file graphql/item.graphql I changed :

extend type Query {
# I suppose that to remove @paginate directive
#    items [Item!]! @paginate(defaultCount: 10)
items: [Item!]

and query request string:

  items (filterByStatus: 'a' ) {

But in graphql-playground I do not see any errors/messages and no logs activity on laravel side.

Which way is valid and how can I debug such issue ?

As with query request string above graphql-playground does does not triggered at all, but it works ok :

  items  {

"laravel/framework": "^9.48.0",
"nuwave/lighthouse": "^6.6"

Thanks in advance


  • To check if your schema is correct and valid, use the command: php artisan lighthouse:validate-schema. See in lighthouse docs more info.

    To add that filter filterByStatus, you need to change your query file graphql/item.graphql.

    extend type Query {
            filterByStatus: String @where(key: "status", operator: "like") #I assume is string by the 'a', your key on BD is status and operadtor is like. You can use other directives like @in, @whereIn, @whereKey etc..
        ): [Item!]

    All lighthouse directives are in here. If you want to explore more, on lighthouse usage, you have a general example of a query with filters.