
Convert json to Markdown Table in bash

I am trying to convert the below json to a markdown table(GitHub docs(.md file)), however not able to do so.



Command I tried:

cat json_file | jq -r '{"NAME": "ENDPOINT_ID"} + . | to_entries[] | "\(.key)\t\(.value)"'

Output I am getting:

service_1    abc-endpoint.vpce.amazonaws.com
service_2    def-endpoint.vpce.amazonaws.com
service_3    xyz-endpoint.vpce.amazonaws.com

The above output when committed to README.md github file losses its indentation(spaces) and is not properly divided into rows and columns, leading to bad visualization.

Link that I went through:


Expected output:

|    NAME    | ENDPOINT_ID |
| --------   | -------- |
| service_1  | abc-endpoint.vpce.amazonaws.com   |
| service_2  | def-endpoint.vpce.amazonaws.com   |
| service_3  | xyz-endpoint.vpce.amazonaws.com   |


  • A semi hard-coded solution could look like:

    "|NAME|ENDPOINT_ID|\n|------|------|\n" + 
        (to_entries | map("|\(.key)|\(.value)|") | join("\n"))
    1. Hard-coded header + second line
    2. Loop (map()) over to_entires to use key and value
      1. Create a string were we surround key and value in |
      2. join() those lines with a newline (\n)

    The above will output:


    Which renders as

    service_1 abc-endpoint.vpce.amazonaws.com
    service_2 def-endpoint.vpce.amazonaws.com
    service_3 xyz-endpoint.vpce.amazonaws.com

    JqPlay Demo