I am trying to install psycopg2==2.9.6 on AIX 7.2. The first thing I did was install postgresql 13.10 from source in order to get pg_config.
Now when I try to run setup.py build
I get this blank error message:
python -v setup.py build
running build_ext
# /opt/freeware/lib64/python3.7/__pycache__/_sysconfigdata_m_aix7_.cpython-37.pyc matches /opt/freeware/lib64/python3.7/_sysconfigdata_m_aix7_.py
# code object from '/opt/freeware/lib64/python3.7/__pycache__/_sysconfigdata_m_aix7_.cpython-37.pyc'
import '_sysconfigdata_m_aix7_' # <_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0xa000000008b7f08>
Error: b''
I get the same error when trying to install directly with pip. My pip, setuptools and wheel packages are all up to date. I'm not sure where to go from here, any ideas?
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