
Google app scripts not replacing all text in a slide

I have a map of slide numbers with an array of associated variables.

const slidesMap = {
  0: ['firstName', 'date'],
  10: ['diversityScore', 'diversityDef', 'butyrateEfficiency', 'propionateEfficiency'],
  15: ['bacteria_1_three', 'bacteria_1_three_def', 'bacteria_2_three', 'bacteria_2_three_def', 'bacteria_3_three', 'bacteria_3_three_def'],
  16: ['bacteria_1', 'bacteria_1_def', 'bacteria_2', 'bacteria_2_def', 'bacteria_3', 'bacteria_3_def'],
  18: ['bacteria_10', 'bacteria_10_def', 'bacteria_11', 'bacteria_11_def', 'bacteria_12', 'bacteria_12_def', 'bacteria_13', 'bacteria_13_def','bacteria_14', 'bacteria_14_def', 'bacteria_15', 'bacteria_15_def'],

I have a map of variables generated from a spreadsheet,

const variablesMap = new Map();
 const generalValues = sheet.getRange('A1:B47').getValues();

  generalValues.forEach(row => {
    variablesMap.set(row[0], row[1]);

Then I populate the necessary slides with necessary variables.

for (const page in slidesMap) {
    const variables = slidesMap[page];

    let newSlide = slides[page];

    let shapes = newSlide.getShapes();
    shapes.forEach(shape => {
      variables.forEach(variable => {
        shape.getText().replaceAllText(`{{${variable}}}`,variablesMap.get(variable), true);

When I log the variables in the loop, I have everything I need both in variablesMap and in slides map. Also the page numbers are correct.

What I get, is half populated slides. For example on slide 15 4/6 variables are populated. {{bacteria_1_three_def}} and {{bacteria_3_three}} are still as placeholders.

What am I missing?

On slide 18 it's even worse. all the ..._def are populated, but bacteria_... are as placeholders.

I am loosing my head.

I tried logging, everything seems correct.

link to slides

Solution: As @Tanaike hinted, the problem was in grouped elements. I ungrouped all the elements manually on the slides and the script worked just fine :)


  • When I saw your provided Google Slides, I noticed that your slides have several groups including shapes. In this case, all placeholders including groups cannot be modified with only shapes.forEach(shape => {,,,}) in your script. I thought that this might be the reason for your current issue.

    In this case, I thought that it is required to check the groups using the script. When your script is modified, how about the following modification?


    let newSlide = slides[page];
    let shapes = newSlide.getShapes();
    shapes.forEach(shape => {
      variables.forEach(variable => {
        shape.getText().replaceAllText(`{{${variable}}}`,variablesMap.get(variable), true);


    let newSlide = slides[page];
    let shapes = newSlide.getShapes();
    shapes.forEach(shape => {
      variables.forEach(variable => {
        shape.getText().replaceAllText(`{{${variable}}}`,variablesMap.get(variable), true);
    // I added below script.
    newSlide.getGroups().forEach(g => {
      g.getChildren().forEach(c => {
        if (c.getPageElementType() == SlidesApp.PageElementType.SHAPE) {
          variables.forEach(variable => {
            c.asShape().getText().replaceAllText(`{{${variable}}}`, variablesMap.get(variable), true);

