I want to scrape the following information except the last row and "class="Region" row:
<td bgcolor="" align="left" style=" width:496px"><a class="xnternal" href="http://www.whitecase.com">White and Case</a></td>
<td bgcolor="" align="left">New York</td>
<td bgcolor="" align="left" class="Region">N/A</td>
<td bgcolor="" align="left">1,863</td>
<td bgcolor="" align="left">565</td>
<td bgcolor="" align="left">1,133</td>
<td bgcolor="" align="left">$160,000</td>
<td bgcolor="" align="center"><a class="xnternal" href="/nlj250/firmDetail/7"> View Profile </a></td></tr><tr class="small" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
I tested with this handler:
class TestUrlOpen(webapp.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib.urlopen("http://www.ilrg.com/nlj250/"))
link_list = []
for a in soup.findAll('a',href=True):
self.response.out.write("""<p>link_list: %s</p>""" % link_list)
This works but it also get the "View Profile" link which I don't want:
link_list: [u'http://www.ilrg.com/', u'http://www.ilrg.com/', u'http://www.ilrg.com/nations/', u'http://www.ilrg.com/gov.html', ......]
I can easily remove the "u'http://www.ilrg.com/'" after scraping the site but it would be nice to have a list without it. What is the best way to do this? Thanks.
I think this may be what you are looking for. The attrs argument can be helpful for isolating the sections you want.
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import urllib
soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib.urlopen("http://www.ilrg.com/nlj250/"))
rows = soup.findAll(name='tr',attrs={'class':'small'})
for row in rows:
number = row.find('td').text
tds = row.findAll(name='td',attrs={'align':'left'})
link = tds[0].find('a')['href']
firm = tds[0].text
office = tds[1].text
attorneys = tds[3].text
partners = tds[4].text
associates = tds[5].text
salary = tds[6].text
print number, firm, office, attorneys, partners, associates, salary