I want to be able to rewrite terms inside the predicate P
given to Coq.Vectors.Vector.Forall
The first attempt does not work due to the missing quantification over n.
From Coq Require Import Vector Morphisms Setoid.
Parameter D : Type.
Parameter R : relation D.
Fail Add Parametric Morphism : (@Forall D)
with signature (R ==> iff) ==> Forall2 R ==> iff
as morph1.
(* The term "Forall" has type "(D -> Prop) -> forall n : nat, t D n -> Prop"
while it is expected to have type "(D -> Prop) -> t D ?n -> Prop". *)
I managed to prove the following, with a fixed vector size, but it is useless in practice.
Add Parametric Morphism n : (fun P => @Vector.Forall D P n)
with signature (R ==> iff) ==> Forall2 R ==> iff
as morph2.
intros P Q Hpq v1 v2 Hr.
rewrite 2 Forall_nth_order.
rewrite Forall2_nth_order in Hr.
split; intros Hf i Hi; eapply Hpq; eauto.
all: assumption.
What could be a correct signature for morph1
This seems seems to be the instance I was looking for:
Add Parametric Morphism : (@Forall D)
with signature (R ==> iff) ==> forall_relation (fun _ => Forall2 R ==> iff)
as morph1.
It is however not very practical to use, as it requires an explicit eta-expansion in the term before doing the rewrite.