I want to configure my custom PollerMetaData bean to enable transactions with a JdbcPollingChannelAdapter's UPDATE query. I'm using Spring boot with Spring Data JPA and all auto configuration enabled.
public class PollerMetaDataConfigurer {
PlatformTransactionManager ptm;
PollerMetadata getCustomPollermetaData(){
PollerMetadata transactionConfiguredPoller=new PollerMetadata();
TransactionInterceptor transactionInterceptor=new TransactionInterceptor();
List<Advice> pollerAdvice=new LinkedList<>();
transactionConfiguredPoller.setTrigger(new PeriodicTrigger(2000));
return transactionConfiguredPoller;
This is the integration code I want transactions to work with.
public class IntegrationMain {
public MessageChannel aChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
@Splitter(inputChannel = "inChannel", outputChannel = "outChannel")
public List<myEnity> splitter(Message message) {
@InboundChannelAdapter(value = "inChannel", poller = @Poller(value="CustomPoller"))
public MessageSource<?> pollDbForQuery(DataSource dataSource) {
JdbcPollingChannelAdapter myAdapter = new JdbcPollingChannelAdapter(dataSource, SQL);
myAdapter.setUpdateSql("update query");
retrun adapter;
Currently the transaction Interceptor is invoked after the UPDATE query has already been executed.
EDIT: I have set transaction.interceptor to TRACE and I can see the message
No need to create transaction for [org.springframework.integration.endpoint.AbstractPollingEndpoint$$Lambda$861/0x0000000800832520.call]: This method is not transactional.
Looks like you didn't finish to configure a TransactionInterceptor
. See if this helps you:
MatchAlwaysTransactionAttributeSource txAttributeSource = new MatchAlwaysTransactionAttributeSource();
txAttributeSource.setTransactionAttribute(new DefaultTransactionAttribute());
Since you didn't create it as a bean it afterPropertiesSet()
is not called:
public void afterPropertiesSet() {
if (getTransactionManager() == null && this.beanFactory == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Set the 'transactionManager' property or make sure to run within a BeanFactory " +
"containing a TransactionManager bean!");
if (getTransactionAttributeSource() == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Either 'transactionAttributeSource' or 'transactionAttributes' is required: " +
"If there are no transactional methods, then don't use a transaction aspect.");
You can use a convenient TransactionInterceptorBuilder
from Spring Integration.