Ran the local expo/eas iOS build process and chose the option to let Expo create a new Distribution Certificate and a new Provisioning Profile:
eas build --platform ios --local
Now that the certificate and profiles have been created, where can I find them? Are these .p12 files?
Looked into the Keychain Access
app on the Macbook but dont seem to find them there.
I assume you signed into your apple developer account. The cert was created there, not locally. You should be able to find it here: https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/certificates/list and your provisioning profile here: https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/profiles/list.
The eas --local flag specifies where the build occurs but doesn't actually get your credentials locally unless you set up local credentials as described here https://docs.expo.dev/app-signing/local-credentials/#setting-a-credentials-source