I'm pulling stock quote data from Yahoo Finance for multiple stocks in 'acoes', but the pd.melt()
function is not returning the stock symbols, only the other data columns (result shown in the image).
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import yfinance as yf
acoes = ["PETR4.SA", "BOVA11.SA", "VALE3.SA"]
hoje = datetime.datetime.now()
data_final = hoje - datetime.timedelta(days=30)
dados_acoes = yf.download(acoes, start=data_final, end=hoje)
dados_acoes = dados_acoes.reset_index()
volume_financeiro = dados_acoes['Volume'] * dados_acoes['Close']
volume_financeiro_label = "Volume Financeiro"
volume_financeiro.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[volume_financeiro_label],volume_financeiro.columns.unique()])
final_df = pd.concat([dados_acoes,volume_financeiro],axis=1)
dados_acoes_melzinho = pd.melt(final_df, id_vars='Date', var_name='Ativo', value_name='VF')
How can I display the stock codes in the 'Ativo' column?
Use index operations to reshape your dataframe and keep multi-index information:
>>> (final_df.set_index('Date').rename_axis(columns=[None, 'Symbol'])
Date Symbol Adj Close Close High Low \
0 2023-03-20 PETR4.SA 22.930000 22.930000 23.650000 22.889999
1 2023-03-20 VALE3.SA 83.410004 83.410004 83.989998 81.809998
2 2023-03-21 PETR4.SA 23.400000 23.400000 23.600000 23.080000
3 2023-03-21 VALE3.SA 82.709999 82.709999 83.440002 81.540001
4 2023-03-22 PETR4.SA 23.330000 23.330000 23.620001 23.040001
.. ... ... ... ... ... ...
48 2023-04-17 PETR4.SA 26.709999 26.709999 26.799999 26.209999
49 2023-04-17 VALE3.SA 77.870003 77.870003 80.440002 77.449997
50 2023-04-18 BOVA11.SA 102.699997 102.699997 103.050003 101.739998
51 2023-04-18 PETR4.SA 27.389999 27.389999 27.620001 26.520000
52 2023-04-18 VALE3.SA 78.540001 78.540001 78.930000 77.660004
Open Volume Volume Financeiro
0 23.510000 57575200.0 1.320199e+09
1 82.720001 19650900.0 1.639082e+09
2 23.200001 43391200.0 1.015354e+09
3 83.220001 15692200.0 1.297902e+09
4 23.389999 46435600.0 1.083343e+09
.. ... ... ...
48 26.240000 49427100.0 1.320198e+09
49 79.480003 21479200.0 1.672585e+09
50 102.989998 7350557.0 7.549022e+08
51 26.709999 99279800.0 2.719274e+09
52 78.790001 15115300.0 1.187156e+09
[53 rows x 9 columns]
Note: you can remove .reset_index()
if you want to keep Date
and Symbol
columns as index.
I tried to use resample() to get the monthly average on 'Volume Financeiro'
>>> final_df.resample('M', on='Date')['Volume Financeiro'].mean()
2023-03-31 7.735287e+08 1.167753e+09 1.512644e+09
2023-04-30 7.122048e+08 1.594721e+09 1.747704e+09