Using Google ml-kit for face detection in my android application.
I have to also detect liveness for eye blink and smile.
Below is the function:
fun detectLiveness(image: Bitmap, face: Face): Float? {
val aligned = this.faceSquaredAligner.computeImagePatch(face, image, 224)
val token = this.faceSquaredAligner.computeImagePatch(face, image, 448)
val squareData = prepareImage(aligned, 1)
val tokenData = prepareImage(token, 1)
var score: Float? = null
if (face.rightEyeOpenProbability != null) {
Toast.makeText(context,"got it", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
Toast.makeText(context,"Right Eye null", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
this.env.use {
var squareTensor = OnnxTensor.createTensor(
this.env, squareData,
val tokenTensor = OnnxTensor.createTensor(
this.env, tokenData,
squareTensor.use {
tokenTensor.use {
var inputs = mutableMapOf("input.1" to tokenTensor, "input.207" to squareTensor)
var outputs = mutableSetOf("718")
val output =, outputs, OrtSession.RunOptions())
output.use {
val rawOutput = ((output?.get(0)?.value) as Array<FloatArray>)[0]
score = softMax(rawOutput)[0]
return score
In which I have checked for rightEyeOpenProbability, but getting null.
We have 'OnnxruntimeLivenessDetector' class which has method named 'detectLiveness()' which returns score (float value) This 'detectLiveness()' method is called from the method named 'processDetection()' inside 'FaceDetector' class.
At both the places I tried to check rightEye, leftEye and smiling probability but am not getting any value for it.
What am I doing wrong here? Or Is there any different way to detect liveness i.e. for user's eye blinking and smiling values? Thanks in Advance.
Its resolved after couple of days and it was just silly mistake. Below is the method to set face detection options you can check:
fun getFaceDetectorOptions(context : Context?) : FaceDetectorOptions {
val landmarkMode = FaceDetectorOptions.LANDMARK_MODE_ALL
val contourMode = FaceDetectorOptions.CONTOUR_MODE_NONE
//val classificationMode = FaceDetectorOptions.CLASSIFICATION_MODE_NONE
val classificationMode = FaceDetectorOptions.CLASSIFICATION_MODE_ALL
val performanceMode = FaceDetectorOptions.PERFORMANCE_MODE_FAST
val enableFaceTracking = false
val minFaceSize = "0.1".toFloat()
val optionsBuilder = FaceDetectorOptions.Builder()
if (enableFaceTracking) {
You can see their I have commented val classificationMode = FaceDetectorOptions.CLASSIFICATION_MODE_NONE
and instead used val classificationMode = FaceDetectorOptions.CLASSIFICATION_MODE_ALL
and it simply resolved this issue.