
PyCharm code completion and dynamic casting

I'm pretty new to Python 3 and type-hints and I'm wondering if it's possible to do this in PyCharm or other IDE's.


Here's a simplified example of the code.

import dataclasses
from typing import Type

class BasePlugin:
    version: str
    arguments: str = None

class PythonPlugin(BasePlugin):
    version: str = 3.7
    script: str = None

class MayaPlugin(BasePlugin):
    version: str = 2022
    scene_file: str = None
    script_job: str = None

class Job:
    def __init__(self, plugin: Type[BasePlugin]):
        self.options = plugin()

job_a = Job(plugin=PythonPlugin)

Ideally, I want to be able to create an instance of Job and use dot-notation to modify the options fields.
e.g. job_a.options.script = 'c:\test\'


Incorrect result

With the input type-hint, code completion only shows the available attributes of the base class.

Code sample:

class Job:
    def __init__(self, plugin: Type[BasePlugin]):
        self.options = plugin()

job_a = Job(plugin=PythonPlugin)

Result: Code completion with input type-hint

Incorrect result

Without the type-hint, code completion shows nothing, as expected.

Code sample:

class Job:
    def __init__(self, plugin):
        self.options = plugin()

job_a = Job(plugin=PythonPlugin)

Result: Code completion without input type-hint

Desired result

What I want is the code completion for the specific subclass I'm providing on instantiation. In the example below, I'm overriding self.options with the plugin to show the desired result.

Code sample:

class Job:
    def __init__(self, plugin: Type[BasePlugin]):
        self.options = PythonPlugin()  # Overriding to simulate the desired result.

job_a = Job(plugin=PythonPlugin)

Result: Code completion as desired


  1. Is it possible to achieve the desired result by passing in an argument?
  2. If not, is my only other option to subclass the job types?
class Job:
    options: BasePlugin

class PythonJob(Job):
    options: PythonPlugin = PythonPlugin()

class MayaJob(Job):
    options: MayaPlugin = MayaPlugin()

  1. Any other options/examples I need to consider?

Any help is much appreciated.


  • You can do this with TypeVars and Generics:

    import dataclasses
    from typing import Generic, Type, TypeVar
    BP = TypeVar("BP")
    class BasePlugin:
        version: str
        arguments: str = None
    class PythonPlugin(BasePlugin):
        version: str = 3.7
        script: str = None
    class MayaPlugin(BasePlugin):
        version: str = 2022
        scene_file: str = None
        script_job: str = None
    class Job(Generic[BP]):
        def __init__(self, plugin: Type[BP]):
            self.options: BP = plugin()
    job_a = Job(plugin=PythonPlugin)
    job_a.options.script  # auto-completes
    job_b = Job(plugin=MayaPlugin)
    job_b.options.scene_file  # auto-completes