
How to return values of only one parameter in GetMapping?

I have an API. How to return the values of only one column (name) from the database? Request code in the controller:

public class PURController {
    private PURRepository purRepository;
    public ResponseEntity<ArrayList<PUR>> getPurName(@PathVariable(value = "device") String device){
         ArrayList<PUR> pur = purRepository.findAllByDevice(device);
        return ResponseEntity.ok().body(pur);

In this case, all rows found by the "device" field are returned. Also I have a method in

public String getName() {
        return name;

How can it all be connected?

Also: my repository class:

public interface PURRepository extends JpaRepository<PUR, Long> {
    ArrayList<PUR> findAllByDevice(String device);
    Optional<PUR> findByDevice(String device);}

Response now:


Response i want:



  • You don't need to use stream. You can solve it easily:

      @Query(value = "SELECT FROM PUR p where p.device= :device", nativeQuery = true)
      List<String> findAllNamesByDevice(@Param("device") String device);