
Is it safe to use Environ("Username") as authentication method in MS Access / Active Directory?

I'm developping an application within our small company environment. This is our setup in a nutshell:

I want to be able to authenticate users in the application without the need to entering their AD login, just based on the fact that they are logged into their PC. Then I want to be able to grant users permissions in the application as I see fit.

This is what I came up with:


EmployeeID EmployeeName ADLogin
1 John Doe COMPANY\john.doe
2 Peter Wilson COMPANY\peter.wilson

When any user starts the MS Access application, it will do something like this on start-up:

Private Sub Form_Load()

    Dim rsUser As Recordset
    Dim intEmployeeID As Integer
    Dim strEmployeeName As String
    Set rsUser = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tblEmployees", dbOpenSnapshot, dbReadOnly)
    rsUser.FindFirst "ADLogin='" & Environ("USERDOMAIN") & "\" & Environ("USERNAME") & "'"
    If rsUser.NoMatch Then
        ' User does not have access to the application
        Set rsUser = Nothing
        ' User with this AD Login has been found and that means that he does have access
        intEmployeeID = rsUser("EmployeeID")
        strEmployeeName = rsUser("EmployeeName")
        TempVars("EmployeeID") = intEmployeeID
        TempVars("EmployeeName") = strEmployeeName
        DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_MainMenu"
        DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name, acSaveYes
        Forms!frm_MainMenu!txtLoggedUser = TempVars("EmployeeName")
    End If

    Set rsUser = Nothing
End Sub

Then I will use TempVars("EmployeeID") throughout the application to make forms and buttons available and so on.

My question is: Is this a good practice to do? Is it secure? Is there perhaps a better way to do this? Thanks for any tips.


  • First of all let me start by saying Access is not secure, but it depends on your colleagues knowledge and how far are they willing to go.

    In terms of your solution, I believe there's no need to load the entire table to the recordset and then try to find the desired record when you can filter it directly at source. In addition, string concatenation is (most of the times) bad practice, instead create a query (since its usage will be frequent) and pass the inputs as parameters.

    See an example:

    The query (your fields might be different but you get the idea)

    PARAMETERS [Domain] Text (50), [Username] Text (50);
    SELECT *
    FROM T
    WHERE T.Domain=[Domain] AND T.Username=[Username];

    You can also create a temporary query from code.

    Const SQL As String = "The SQL command above"
    'No query name means it's temporary and will be deleted once the method runs.
    Dim q As DAO.QueryDef
    Set q = CurrentDb().CreateQueryDef("", SQL) 

    To call it and check the logged user:

    Dim q As DAO.QueryDef
    Dim r As DAO.Recordset
    Set q = CurrentDb().QueryDefs("YourQueryName")
    'Using the Environ() method.
    q.Parameters("[Domain]").Value = Environ("USERDOMAIN")
    q.Parameters("[Username]").Value = Environ("USERNAME")
    'OR alternative method to get the username/domain from @Andre in comments
    'This is more secure than the Environ() method.
    With CreateObject("WScript.Network")
        q.Parameters("[Domain]").Value = .UserDomain
        q.Parameters("[Username]").Value = .UserName
    End With
    'read-only, no need for changes.    
    Set r = q.OpenRecordset(dbOpenSnapshot)
    'Not found
    If r.EOF Then
        DoCmd.Quit acQuitPrompt
        Exit Sub
    End If
    'The recordset now contains whatever fields the query selected.
    'Do what needs to be done.
    'Clean up
    If Not r Is Nothing Then r.Close
    If Not q Is Nothing Then q.Close

    Lastly, I would change the intEmployeeID variable to be of type Long and add error handling to the method.