I am trying to have the getLastScore function to get the most recent score from an array and use it to update a view. I have confirmed that the addScore function is working as intended, but when I try to access the updated array, all I get is nil.
import Foundation
class QuizScoreManager: ObservableObject {
struct QuizScore: Codable {
let date: Date
let score: Int
let quizTitle: String
@Published var scores: [QuizScore] = []
func addScore(score: Int, quizTitle: String) {
let quizScore = QuizScore(date: Date(), score: score, quizTitle: quizTitle)
func getScores(forQuizTitle quizTitle: String) -> [QuizScore] {
return scores.filter { $0.quizTitle == quizTitle }
private func saveScores() {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
if let encoded = try? encoder.encode(scores) {
UserDefaults.standard.set(encoded, forKey: "quizScores")
func printScores() {
for score in scores {
print("Quiz Title: \(score.quizTitle), Score: \(score.score), Date: \(score.date)")
func getLastScore(forQuizTitle quizTitle: String) -> Int? {
let lastScore = scores.filter { $0.quizTitle == quizTitle }.last?.score
print("Sending a lastScore value of: \(String(describing: lastScore))")
return lastScore
private func loadScores() {
if let savedScores = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "quizScores") as? Data {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
if let loadedScores = try? decoder.decode([QuizScore].self, from: savedScores) {
scores = loadedScores
init() {
Maybe you are not accessing the instance of QuizScoreManager that you think you are. If the owner of this class is a View
then it needs to be creating it as a StateObject
, for example:
@StateObject private var theQuizScoreManager = QuizScoreManager()