
template parsing error: template: :1: unexpected "=" in operand

template parsing error: template: :1: unexpected "=" in operand

I got the above error when executing the below command in Windows,

docker inspect --format="{{range $key, $value := .Config.Env}}{{if eq (index (split $value "=") 0) "VERSION"}}{{$value}}{{end}}{{end}}" octopusbi-agent-backend

What could be the issue?


  • The issue with the "=" symbol, if you use a double quotation(") mark inside the string enclosed with the double quotation(") marks, you have to add a backslash(\) before every double quotation(") mark excluding the first and last double quotation(") mark.


    "Hello "your_name""  <-- wrong
    "Hello \"your_name\""  <-- correct


    As I mentioned earlier I changed "=" to \"=\" and after that, I got another issue related to some other string value called "VERSION". For that also I had to change "VERSION" to \"VERSION\" and it worked as I expected.

    enter image description here

    So the final command is,

    docker inspect --format="{{range $key, $value := .Config.Env}}{{if eq (index (split $value \"=\") 0) \"VERSION\"}}{{$value}}{{end}}{{end}}" octopusbi-agent-backend


    I ran the same command in Ubuntu with the starting and ending quotations with single quotation(') marks and kept the rest of the double quotation(") marks.

    enter image description here

    So the final command is,

    docker inspect --format='{{range $key, $value := .Config.Env}}{{if eq (index (split $value "=") 0) "VERSION"}}{{$value}}{{end}}{{end}}' octopusbi-agent-backend


    If you use the docker inspect command with the --format option,

    In the shortest, we have to use the double quotation(") mark inside the format string for both environments if you need to use the quotation mark.