I'm trying to set it so that the billing interval is every 9 weeks - I've found this code online, taken from the official Woocommerce subscriptions documentation and added it to my Wordpress snippets section(https://woocommerce.com/document/subscriptions/faq/#section-55)
The code
* Plugin Name: Extend WooCommerce Subscription Intervals
* Description: Add a "every 10 weeks" billing interval to WooCommerce Subscriptions
* Author: Brent Shepherd
* Author URI: http://brent.io
* Version: 1.0
* License: GPL v2
function eg_extend_subscription_period_intervals( $intervals ) {
$intervals[10] = sprintf( __( 'every %s', 'my-text-domain' ), WC_Subscriptions::append_numeral_suffix( 10 ) );
return $intervals;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_subscription_period_interval_strings', 'eg_extend_subscription_period_intervals' );
What the problem is with images: However, when activated the subscription blank screens Plugin activated
How it is normally i.e without the code snippet
The only reason I can think of, is the code is out of date.
What I've tried
I've tried slight variations of the code - found online. All of which did the same thing
I've tried selecting each one of these and seeing if it works: WP run snippet X
append_numeral_suffix is depricated since 4.0.0
Use this instead
add_filter( 'woocommerce_subscription_period_interval_strings', 'additional_custom_subscription_intervals', 10, 1 );
function additional_custom_subscription_intervals( $intervals ) {
$intervals[7] = 'every 7th'; //since by default we have 6 periods we just continue.
return $intervals;