
jQuery.inputmask and its placeholder

Here is my code:

                        $("input").inputmask("decimal", {
                            "radixPoint": ",",
                            "groupSeparator": " ",
                            "digits": 2,
                            "autoGroup": true,
                            "digitsOptional": true,
                            "suffix": " EUR",
                            "placeholder": "129,5",
                            "clearMaskOnLostFocus": false,

Everything works great but I don't really understand how to display "129,5" as a placeholder instead of "1"?

Thanks in advance for your help!

I tried to search within StackOverflow and read the official documentation for jQuery.inputmask, but it didn't help.


  • I looked through jQuery.inputmask source codes and understood that there's nothing to do about it so I had to find out different approach.