I am writing some tiny game app using Rust and use Vulkan as the graphic api. It is perfect to debug my app in RenderDoc but something went wrong when I am trying to debug my app in NVIDIA NSight. Because RenderDoc doesn't support ray traing debug for now.
Here is the error log, only one line in the txt.
[2023-02-21][14:11:31][raven_rhi::backend::vulkan::debug][ERROR] [General]: "Failed to open dynamic library \"C:\\MySoftwares\\RivaTuner Statistics Server\\Vulkan\\.\\RTSSVkLayer64.dll\" with error 126"
It seems that NSight try to redirect my app to link to another dynamic library, and get the debug informations from Vulkan.
But I can't figure it out where goes wrong.
Here is my hardware infos:
Graphic Card: NVIDIA RTX 4090
CPU: 13700KF
Memory: 64GB
OS: Windows 11 22H2 (latest)
I have installed the latest driver of NVIDIA. When I turn off the ray tracing extensions of my app in creating Vulkan device, I can debug my app in RenderDoc. However using the same path of exe and working directory in NVIDIA NSight will failed with the upper error message.
Did I miss some NV extensions for Vulkan to successfully debug my app in NVIDIA NSight?
I just found out what was stopping my rivatuner from updating by user Microsoft Powertools and checking out "what is using this file" via explorer.
C:\Program Files (x86)\RivaTuner Statistics Server\Vulkan - right click file and select "What is using this file".
It was Adobe Creative Cloud. Killed the process and was able to continue.