
can't make new project with wasm-pack new myProjectName

ewmacfarland@Erics-MacBook-Air wasm-crypto % wasm-pack new crypto
Error: expected value at line 1 column 1
Caused by: expected value at line 1 column 1

tried un and reinstalling it every way i could

run on M1 chip


  • Per this issue it's a problem in wasm-pack, and the solution for the moment is to downgrade to 0.10.3.

    How you do that depends on how you installed it. If you installed from npm, npm i -g wasm-pack@0.10.3. If you used cargo, cargo install --version 0.10.3 wasm-pack. If you installed using the shell script on the website, it looks like their gh-pages build process overwrites that branch for some reason, so you'll need to copy the script and modify the references to 0.11.0 to read 0.10.3, then run it.