
When running "hedera-json-rpc-relay", how to configure a connection to Hedera Testnet?

I'm following the instructions on hedera-json-rpc-relay: Specifically docs/, attempting to run the RPC relay connecting to Hedera Testnet:


Note that OPERATOR_ID_MAIN and OPERATOR_KEY_MAIN have been obtained for the portal, and have successfully been used in other transactions.

The specific instruction for HEDERA_NETWORK is:

Which network to connect to. Automatically populates the main node & mirror node endpoints. Can be MAINNET, PREVIEWNET, TESTNET or a map of network IPs -> node accountIds e.g. {"":"0.0.3"}

However, when I run npm run start, I get the following error Error: unknown network: TESTNET ... even though this explicitly is an allowed value according to the docs.

(Full output copied below the <hr/>).

What is the correct config to start the RPC relay and connect it to Hedera Testnet?

> start
> npx lerna exec --scope @hashgraph/json-rpc-server -- npm run start

lerna notice cli v6.4.1
lerna info versioning independent
lerna notice filter including "@hashgraph/json-rpc-server"
lerna info filter [ '@hashgraph/json-rpc-server' ]
lerna info Executing command in 1 package: "npm run start"

> @hashgraph/json-rpc-server@0.23.0-SNAPSHOT start
> node dist/index.js

[2023-04-21 03:25:43.036 +0000] INFO (rpc-server/97941 on admins-MBP): Configurations successfully loaded
        throw new Error(

Error: unknown network: TESTNET
    at NodeClient._setNetworkFromName (/Users/user/code/hedera/hedera-json-rpc-relay/node_modules/@hashgraph/sdk/lib/client/NodeClient.cjs:279:15)
    at new NodeClient (/Users/user/code/hedera/hedera-json-rpc-relay/node_modules/@hashgraph/sdk/lib/client/NodeClient.cjs:94:14)
    at NodeClient.forName (/Users/user/code/hedera/hedera-json-rpc-relay/node_modules/@hashgraph/sdk/lib/client/NodeClient.cjs:164:12)
    at RelayImpl.initClient (/Users/user/code/hedera/hedera-json-rpc-relay/packages/relay/dist/lib/relay.js:69:35)
    at new RelayImpl (/Users/user/code/hedera/hedera-json-rpc-relay/packages/relay/dist/lib/relay.js:42:32)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/user/code/hedera/hedera-json-rpc-relay/packages/server/dist/server.js:57:15)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1254:14)
    at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1308:10)
    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1117:32)
    at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:958:12)

Node.js v18.15.0
npm ERR! Lifecycle script `start` failed with error: 
npm ERR! Error: command failed 
npm ERR!   in workspace: @hashgraph/json-rpc-server@0.23.0-SNAPSHOT 
npm ERR!   at location: /Users/user/code/hedera/hedera-json-rpc-relay/packages/server 
lerna ERR! npm run start exited 1 in '@hashgraph/json-rpc-server'
lerna ERR! npm run start exited 1 in '@hashgraph/json-rpc-server'


  • This is the config that was necessary:


    Submitted a patch to add the sample files for the above, plus equivalents for Hedera Mainnet and Hedera Previewnet as well.

    Also, the error that occurred was because of this line:


    It essentially failed because it only accepted all lowercase. This has also been fixed in the same patch, so now the original config from the question will start working as well.