Sorry, I recently found that on Android 13, using MapSceneConfig to modify the language does not seem to work, can you please confirm? I really need your help, Thank you! I'm using the lite version. I tried to change it to zh_tw to show Taiwanese streets.
MapSceneConfig mapSceneConfig = new MapSceneConfig();
mapSceneConfig.mainLanguageCode = LanguageCode.ZH_TW;
mapSceneConfig.fallbackLanguageCode = LanguageCode.ZH_TW;
mapView.getMapScene().loadScene(MapStyle.NORMAL_DAY, mapSceneConfig, new MapScene.LoadSceneCallback() {
public void onLoadScene(@Nullable MapScene.ErrorCode errorCode) {
if (errorCode == null) {
mapItemsExample = new MapItemsExample(MiniActivity.this, mapView);
mapObjectsExample = new MapObjectsExample(mapView);
mapOverlayExample = new MapOverlayExample(MiniActivity.this, mapView);
if (location != null) {
moveCamera(new GeoCoordinates(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude()));
Log.e("location", "moveCameraonResume");
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "onLoadScene failed: " + errorCode.toString());
I found that it works normally on Android 11, but not on Android 13.
The MapSceneConfig class was updated in the last release 4.13.5 and would probably resolve issues related to different Android versions.