I finished my project on Kaggle but I want to add requirements file how can I do it
I want to do it directly from Kaggle or colab file
In Google colab, to get an initial colab environment (set of modules that already installed by Google colab. You can use it without any further import) , you can try this :
# to get packages initially installed in colab or in other word, the colab environment
!pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
For the code above, the requirements.txt file will appear in the content section of your Google colab (will be in the path named : ā/content/ā) Or, in case that what you want is the imported module, not a colab environment. What you can do is :
# get list of all imported modules
import sys
Moreover, for the requirements.txt in kaggle, you can take a quick look at the comment below your question section. The reference link provided by Ali Ent was very clear
Hope this help !