I have a data frame with some repeat values in one of the columns:
df = DataFrame(A=["a","a","b"])
What I would like to do is replace all values with unique values and an incremental ordering if there are repeat values, like so:
df = DataFrame(A=["a_1","a_2","b_1"])
I know in R you can do this with make.unique
, but is there an equivalent function in Julia?
If you want exactly this output there is no ready function for this as far as I can tell, but you can do e.g.
julia> transform(groupby(df, :A), :A => (x -> string.(x, "_", 1:length(x))) => :A_unique)
3×2 DataFrame
Row │ A A_unique
│ String String
1 │ a a_1
2 │ a a_2
3 │ b b_1