
Perl libxml findvalue fails when root tag contains attributes

I am trying to filter records in a given XML file matching the contract ids contained in a CSV file.

The xml file looks like this:

<ROOTS02 xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" RANTS02.xsd">
... some more fields ...

My perl code look like this:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use XML::LibXML;
my $xml_parser = XML::LibXML->new();

my $xml_file="data0.xml";
my $vidfile="contractids.txt";
my $output="out0.xml";
my $roottag='ROOTS02';
my $rectag='Record';
my $filtertag='ContractID';
my $element;
my %vidtable;


print "Parsing input file $xml_file....";
my $xml_doc = $xml_parser->parse_file($xml_file);
my $root = $xml_doc->documentElement();
my @records = $root->getElementsByTagName($rectag);
open(OUT, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $output);
foreach my $record (@records) {
    my $contract_id = $record->findvalue($filtertag);
    if ( exists $vidtable{$contract_id} ) {
        print OUT $record->toString();
close OUT;
print "Done!\n";
print "Output written to $output\n";

sub readvertragids {
   my $file=shift;
   my $pidold;
   my $pidnew;
   open(FH, '<', $file) or die "Error: $file can't be read :$!";
   while (<FH>) {
      chomp $_;
      if ( ! exists $vidtable{$_} ) {

It all works fine if remove the attributes from the ROOTS02 tag in the first line fo the XML file:

With the original first line of the XML file containing the attributes there's no result from the findvalue call for tag 'ContarctID':

perl -d ./ 

Loading DB routines from version 1.37
Editor support available.

Enter h or 'h h' for help, or 'man perldebug' for more help.

main::(./      my $xml_parser = XML::LibXML->new();
  DB<1> b 56
  DB<2> r
main::(./         if ( exists $vidtable{$contract_id} ) {
  DB<2> Parsing input file rant0.xml....l 50-60
50      #parsefile($input);
51:     my $root = $xml_doc->documentElement();
52:     my @records = $root->getElementsByTagName($rectag);
53:     open(OUT, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $output);
54:     foreach my $record (@records) {
55:         my $contract_id = $record->findvalue($filtertag);
56==>b      if ( exists $vidtable{$contract_id} ) {
57:             $record->unbindNode();
58:             print OUT $record->toString();
59          }
60      }
  DB<3> p $rectag
  DB<4> p $filtertag
  DB<5> p $contract_id

  DB<6> p $record

What can I do to make it work even with the attributes in the root tag? How do the attributes have an influence on the functionality of the libxml functions?


  • [I shall use the {namespace}name notation.]

    You are looking for a {}ContractID node.

    But the node in the document is a {}ContractID node.

    That's because xmlns="" sets the default namespace of the associated element, and all descendant elements.

    use XML::LibXML qw( );
    my $xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new();
    $xpc->registerNs( r => "" );
    my $doc = XML::LibXML->new->parse_file( "data0.xml" );
    for my $rec_node ( $xpc->findnodes( "/r:ROOTS02/r:Record", $doc ) ) {
       my $contract_id = $xpc->findvalue( "r:ContractID", $rec_node );