Is it possible to have one of the lidar sensors from here: (preferably the gpu_lidar) interact selectively with objects in a Gazebo scene? i.e. I'd like a LIDAR sensor to be able to only interact with objects/models of my choosing vs all in a scene.
If so, what are the option for doing so? My internet search thus far has turned up mostly empty with a possible hint here:
It turns out after digging through and its various repositories corresponding to the lidar sensor, that the visibility_mask
element applies to the sensor type "gpu_lidar" as well as sensor type "camera" (the only sensor it is currently mentioned for on the SDF webpage) and will work for models in the world/sdf that have a visual element with its visibility_tag
set accordingly. This works on ros2 galactic.
So something like the following sensor definition in a urdf file will not see the SDF model defined below:
<gazebo reference="tool">
<sensor type="gpu_lidar" name="gpu_lidar">
<plugin filename="ignition-gazebo-sensors-system" name="ignition::gazebo::systems::Sensors">
Model SDF:
<model name='tower'>
<pose>0.066472 2.94969 0.5 0 -0 0</pose>
<link name='cylinder_link'>
<pose>0 0 0 0 -0 0</pose>
<collision name='cylinder_collision'>
<visual name='cylinder_visual'>
<ambient>0.3 0.3 0.3 1</ambient>
<diffuse>0.7 0.7 0.7 1</diffuse>
<specular>1 1 1 1</specular>
<pose>0 0 0 0 -0 0</pose>