I'm trying to create a definition for AWS state machine generating it from this list of object:
state_object_list = [
name = "task1",
type = "Task",
resource = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789:function:test",
end = false
name = "task2",
type = "Task",
resource = "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:1234567890:function:test2",
end = true
I would like to have something similar to this, so with the possibility to define dinamically the key and the values of each state.
resource "aws_sfn_state_machine" "this" {
name = "my-state"
role_arn = "my-role"
definition = jsonencode({
Comment = var.definition_comment
StartAt = var.definition_startat
States = {
for state in var.state_object_list: {
state.name = {
Type = state.type
Resource = state.resource
End = state.end
Is it possible? Thank you for the help.
Can you explain why you want this? The state machine definition follows JSON format so putting your JSON object into the definition=jsonencode({...})
with minor adjustments to follow the Amazon States Language syntax should work and doesn't create more complexity in the code. Maybe I missed your point.