I'm wondering is there any way to combine java record with lombok's @Builder.Default
Let's consider an example with properties object for new file creation.
Before java 14
public class FileProperties {
String directory = System.getProperty("user.home");
String name = "New file";
String extension = ".txt";
Java 14
public record FileProperties (
String directory,
String name,
String extension
) {}
But in case if I try to use something like
public record FileProperties (
String directory = System.getProperty("user.home")
) {}
Compiler will fail with an error, revealing that such syntax is not allowed. Do we have any solution to this problem?
You can achieve the same outcome not by @Builder.Default
but by defining the builder itself with defaults for Lombok:
public record FileProperties (
String directory,
String name,
String extension
) {
public static class FilePropertiesBuilder {
FilePropertiesBuilder() {
directory = System.getProperty("user.home");
name = "New file";
extension = ".txt";
Then to test it:
public static void main(String[] args) {
FileProperties[directory=/home/me, name=New file, extension=.txt]