I am trying to create R code for generating multiple simulation paths for forecasting survival probabilities. In the code posted at the bottom of this post, I take the survival
package's lung
dataset and create a new dataframe lung1
, representing the lung
data "as if" the study max period were 500 instead of the 1022 it actually is in the lung
data. I use a parametric Weibull distribution per goodness-of-fit tests I ran separately. I'm trying to forecast, via multiple simulation paths, survival curves for periods 501-1000 using, ideally as a random number generation guide the Weibull parameters for the data for periods 1-500. This exercise is a forecasting "what-if", if I only had data for a 500-period lung study. I then compare the forecasts with the actual lung data for periods 501-1000.
The shape and scale parameters I extracted from the lung1
data are 1.804891 and 306.320693, respectively.
I'm having difficulty generating reasonable, monotonically decreasing simulation paths for forecast periods 501-1000. In looking at the code posted at the bottom, what should I be doing instead?
The below images help illustrate:
# Modify lung dataset as if study had only lasted 500 periods
lung1 <- lung %>%
mutate(time1 = ifelse(time >= 500, 500, time)) %>%
mutate(status1 = ifelse(status == 2 & time >= 500, 1, status))
fit1 <- survfit(Surv(time1, status1) ~ 1, data = lung1)
# Get survival probability values at each time point
surv_prob <- summary(fit1, times = seq(0, 500, by = 1))$surv
# Create a data frame with time and survival probability values
lungValues <- data.frame(Time = seq(0, 500, by = 1), Survival_Probability = surv_prob)
# Plot the survival curve using the new data frame
plot(lungValues$Time, lungValues$Survival_Probability, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Survival Probability",
main = "Survival Plot", type = "l", col = "blue", xlim = c(0, 1000), ylim = c(0, 1))
# Generate correlation matrix for Weibull parameters
cor_matrix <- matrix(c(1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0), nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
# Generate simulation paths for forecasting
num_simulations <- 10
forecast_period <- seq(501, 1000, by = 1)
start_prob <- 0.293692
shape <- 1.5
scale <- 100
for (i in 1:num_simulations) {
# Generate random variables for the Weibull distribution
random_vars <- mvrnorm(length(forecast_period), c(0, 0), Sigma = cor_matrix)
shape_values <- exp(random_vars[,1])
scale_values <- exp(random_vars[,2]) * scale
# Calculate the survival probabilities for the forecast period
surv_prob <- numeric(length(forecast_period))
surv_prob[1] <- start_prob
for (j in 2:length(forecast_period)) {
# Calculate the survival probability using the Weibull distribution
surv_prob[j] <- pweibull(forecast_period[j] - 500, shape = shape_values[j], scale = scale_values[j], lower.tail = FALSE)
# Ensure the survival probability follows a monotonically decreasing, concave path
if (surv_prob[j] > surv_prob[j-1]) {
surv_prob[j] <- surv_prob[j-1] - runif(1, 0, 0.0005)
# Combine the survival probabilities with the forecast period and create a data frame
df <- data.frame(Time = forecast_period, Survival_Probability = surv_prob)
# Add the simulation path to the plot
lines(df$Time, df$Survival_Probability, type = "l", col = "grey")
I find the logic of your code very difficult to follow, so I'm not entirely sure if this is what you're looking for, but it seems reasonable to me.
My starting point is your lung1
data frame.
First, fit a Weibull ditsribution to your data and obtain the fitted estimates of shape
and scale
. Note that survreg
and rweibull
use different parameterisations.
# Load the necessary packages
# Modify lung dataset as if study had only lasted 500 periods
lung1 <- lung %>%
mutate(time1 = ifelse(time >= 500, 500, time)) %>%
mutate(status1 = ifelse(status == 2 & time >= 500, 1, status))
wFit <- survreg(Surv(time1,status1)~1, dist="w", data=lung1)
# See online doc for survreg for explanation
scale <- exp(wFit$coefficients[1])
shape <- 1/wFit$scale
median(rweibull(2000, shape, scale))
[1] 326.3782
reports a median of 310.]
Now, write a function to impute survival times for survival beyond time 500 and then derive a Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival distribution. The function takes a single parameter, x
. If x
is 1
, Estimated survival probabilities for time < 500 are included in the return value, otherwise, they are not.
# Generate simulation paths for forecasting
num_simulations <- 10
start_prob <- 0.293692
simulate <- function(x=1) {
lung2 <- lung1 %>%
time2 = ifelse(
time > 500,
qweibull(runif(nrow(.), min=1-start_prob), shape, scale),
# It's possible that some simulated survival times are *just* under 500
status2 = ifelse(time == 500, 2, status)
summary2 <- summary(survfit(Surv(time2, status2) ~ 1, data = lung2))
result <- tibble(Simulation=x, Time=summary2$time, Survival=summary2$surv) %>%
add_row(Simulation=x, Time=0, Survival=1, .before=1)
if (x == 1) {
return(result %>% mutate(Type=Time > 500))
return(result %>% filter(Time > 500) %>% add_column(Type=TRUE))
Now use the function to simulate survival times > 500 several times. Bind the results into a single data frame.
simulations <- lapply(1:num_simulations, simulate) %>% bind_rows()
Plot the results.
simulations %>%
aes(x=Time, y=Survival, group=interaction(Simulation, Type), colour=Type)
) +
geom_step(show.legend=FALSE) +
scale_colour_manual(values=c("blue", "grey"))
I hope that helps.