Question: Given a list of unsorted elements, we have to find the length of longest consecutive elements sequence.
Expected time complexity: O(N)
for Ex: [4,7,1,100,28,2,3]
output: 4 since the longest consecutive elements sequence is [1,2,3,4] from the above list
I've written the code in Python. I've used set and map (defaultdict) to solve this problem.
from collections import defaultdict as maps
class Solution:
def longestConsecutive(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
nums = set(nums); # to remove duplicates
n = len(nums);
if n == 0: return 0;
if n == 1: return 1;
present = maps(int);
# Inserting values into map (defaultdict) as key
for i in nums:
present[i] = 1; # to check for presence of element
i = 0; curr = 0; cnt, maxx = 0, 0; visset = {i for i in nums}
while n > 0:
#I had to use this while loop since the for-loop below will get interrupted if we make any changes to the iterating set.
cnt = 1;
for ind in visset:
curr = ind; n -= 1;
visset.remove(ind); break; #remove is O(1) complexity for set
# values less than curr::
curr, temp = curr, curr;
while n > 0:
if present[curr - 1]:
curr -= 1; n -= 1;
visset.remove(curr); cnt += 1; #remove is O(1) complexity for set
# values greater than curr::
while n > 0:
if present[temp + 1]:
temp += 1; n -= 1;
visset.remove(temp); cnt += 1; #remove is O(1) complexity for set
maxx = max(cnt, maxx);
maxx = max(cnt, maxx);
return maxx
for more reference and runtime
Can anybody explain why this code's runtime is higher than intended ?
UPDATE: the runtime of this program is around 7000ms and if I replace set with a dictionary and use del dictt[i] instead of remove() in case of set, the runtime comes down to 2000ms
Yours passes unmodified on leetcode, but it was on the slower end. Here's a simplification of the same code that does a little better than average:
class Solution:
def longestConsecutive(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
present = set(nums)
curr = 0
cnt, maxx = 0, 0
while present:
cnt = 1
start = curr = present.pop()
while start - 1 in present:
start -= 1
cnt += 1
while curr + 1 in present:
curr += 1
cnt += 1
maxx = max(cnt, maxx)
return maxx
You did have a lot of unnecessary data structures, and dumplicate maps where the value wasn't even used. I replaced them all with one set.