I am trying flatten the json object so that I can create plain csv file out of it. But it is throwing
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
Code which I have written in python, calling simplify_multy_nested_json_recur() :
def simplify_multy_nested_json_recur(obj):
kv = convert_list_to_kv(obj)
simplified_json = simplify_nested_json(kv)
if any(isinstance(value, list) for value in simplified_json.values()):
simplified_json = simplify_multy_nested_json_recur(simplified_json)
return simplified_json
def simplify_nested_json(obj, parent_key=""):
Recursively simplifies a nested JSON object by appending key names with the previous node's key.
new_obj = {}
for key in obj:
new_key = f"{parent_key}_{key}" if parent_key else key
if isinstance(obj[key], dict):
new_obj.update(simplify_nested_json(obj[key], parent_key=new_key))
new_obj[new_key] = obj[key]
return new_obj
def convert_list_to_kv(obj):
Converts list elements into key-value pairs if the list size is 1 in a JSON object.
for key in obj:
if isinstance(obj[key], list) and len(obj[key]) == 1:
obj[key] = obj[key][0]
elif isinstance(obj[key], dict):
return obj
{'resourceType':'CP','id':'af160c6b','period':{'start':'1987-12-21T06:22:41-05:00'},'careTeam':[{'reference':'79a33a776b59'}],'goal':[{'reference':'c14'},{'reference':'b88'}],'activity':[{'detail':{'code':{'coding':[{'code':'160670007','display':'Diabetic diet'}],'text':'Diabetic diet'},'status':'in-progress'}}]}
You have an infinite loop due to continuous recursion, because your condition to stop recursion never happen.
Here is how I would modify your code:
def simplify_multy_nested_json_recur(obj):
kv = convert_list_to_kv(obj)
simplified_json = simplify_nested_json(kv)
if any(isinstance(value, dict) for value in simplified_json.values()):
simplified_json = simplify_multy_nested_json_recur(simplified_json)
return simplified_json
def simplify_nested_json(obj, parent_key=""):
new_obj = {}
for key in obj:
new_key = f"{parent_key}_{key}" if parent_key else key
if isinstance(obj[key], dict):
new_obj.update(simplify_nested_json(obj[key], parent_key=new_key))
new_obj[new_key] = obj[key]
return new_obj
def convert_list_to_kv(obj):
for key in obj:
if isinstance(obj[key], list) and len(obj[key]) == 1:
obj[key] = obj[key][0]
elif isinstance(obj[key], dict):
return obj