This is my code:
list_ = os.listdir("All_wavs")
for i,val in enumerate(list_):
y, sr = librosa.load(f"All_wavs/{val}")
data = librosa.resample(y, orig_sr =44100,target_sr= 22050)
sf.write(f"wavs/{val}",data, samplerate =22050)
it works but the wav files sound different
Thanks for helping!
librosa.load automatically resamples the input signal to 22050 unless specified otherwise, you could modify that using sr
if you want and just save it, you don't need to do a second downsampling.
import librosa
import soundfile as sf
list_ = os.listdir("All_wavs")
for i,val in enumerate(list_):
y, sr = librosa.load(f"All_wavs/{val}", sr=22050)
sf.write(f"wavs/{val}",y, samplerate =22050)