I'm attempting to use Java Object Layout (JOL) to measure the instance size of an object that holds onto instances of some Java Records. I am getting an UnsupportedOperationException
with a description "can't get field offset on a record class" when using GraphLayout.parseInstance
. I get the same error when using ClassLayout.parseClass
I was initially using Java 20, but have downgraded to Java 17. I tried the last two versions of JOL (0.17 and 0.16). I tried the recommendation from the stack trace "Cannot get the field offset, try with -Djol.magicFieldOffset=true". It looks like Records are not supported in HotspotUnsafe.fieldOffset
and specifically at line 647 in Unsafe.
Here's an example of a class that passes and similar record that throws the exception.
public class Outer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Passes - outputs 72
System.out.println(GraphLayout.parseInstance(new A(1, "one")).totalSize());
// Fails with UnsupportedOperationException
// "can't get field offset on a record class: private final int Outer$B.value"
// sun.misc.Unsafe.objectFieldOffset - line 648
System.out.println(GraphLayout.parseInstance(new B(1, "one")).totalSize());
public static class A {
int value;
String name;
public A(int value, String name) {
this.value = value;
this.name = name;
public static record B(int value, String name) {
I did some searching to find examples of using JOL with Java Records but did not find anything. Is this possible with JOL currently, using some configuration settings I may have missed?
The answer is Yes, Java Object Layout does work with Java Records and requires the option -Djol.magicFieldOffset=true
to be passed on the command line. According to Aleksey, this option was added specifically to work with records.
I was running the code from IntelliJ and was setting the option in program arguments text box instead of vmoptions text box (which I had to add first). Adding the option to vmoptions in Run/Debug Configurations fixed the issue.