I am able to do a simple 2D plot inside a Jupyter Notebook (with IHaskell) using the Haskell Chart Package. The code is here,
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy
cData = [1,2,3,4,3,2,1]
toRenderable $ do
layout_title .= "Recovered Signal"
layout_x_axis . laxis_title .= "Time (msecs)"
layout_y_axis . laxis_title .= "Original Input Level"
plot (line "Amplitude" [zip [0,1..] cData])
The plot is automatically displayed in a Jupyter cell when the code cell returns a 'Renderable'
I would like to make the plot smaller.
I've tried,
I'm a mid-level Haskeller but never learned lenses which may be part of my problem. Maybe it's time to learn ..
Any help appreciated!
Lenses won't help you much... the problem is that IHaskell.Display.Charts hard-codes width and height. It's a bit silly...
What you could do is write your own wrapper type for custom-sized charts, and copy the instances with the specified sizes.
import System.Directory
import Data.Default.Class
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Renderable
import Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char
import System.IO.Unsafe
import IHaskell.Display
data SizedRenderable a = Sized
{ size :: (Width, Height)
, theChart :: Renderable a
instance IHaskellDisplay (SizedRenderable a) where
display renderable = do
pngDisp <- chartData renderable PNG
-- We can add `svg svgDisplay` to the output of `display`, but SVGs are not resizable in the IPython
-- notebook.
svgDisp <- chartData renderable SVG
return $ Display [pngDisp, svgDisp]
chartData :: Renderable a -> FileFormat -> IO DisplayData
chartData (Sized size@(w,h) renderable) format = do
-- Write the PNG image.
let filename = ".ihaskell-chart.png"
opts = def { _fo_format = format, _fo_size = size }
mkFile opts filename renderable
-- Convert to base64.
imgData <- Char.readFile filename
return $
case format of
PNG -> png w h $ base64 imgData
SVG -> svg $ Char.unpack imgData
-- TODO add signature, I can't be bothered to look it up
mkFile opts filename renderable = renderableToFile opts filename renderable