
Cplex program returns "Unknown OPL Problem Marker syntax error"

Mathematics model:

Mathematics model


using CP;
int numI = 4;
int numP = 3;
int B = 90000000;
// Define sets
range I = 1..numI; // set of suppliers
range P = 1..numP; // set of products

// Define parameters
float v[I][P]; // production cost per product for each supplier
float f[I][P]; // fixed costs of sourcing from supplier i
float u1[I][I];
float u2[I][I];
float u3[I][I];
int C[I][P]; // Capacity of supplier i (share of the total demand that can be sourced from i)  
float MOQ[I][P]; // Minimum order quantity of supplier i (in percent of total demand)
int D[1][P]; // demand of each product throughout 1 year 
int Nmax[P] = [2,2,2];
int Nstr[P]=[1,1,1];
int strat[I][P];
float u[I][I][P];
for (int i in I)
    for (int j in I)
        for (int p in P)
            if (p == 1)
                u[i][j][p] = u1[i][j]
            else if (p == 2)
                u[i][j][p] = u2[i][j]
                u[i][j][p] =  u3[i][j]
// Define decision variables
dvar boolean y[I][P]; // binary variable indicating if a supplier produces a product
dvar float+ x[I][P]; // proportion of the total demand ordered from supplier i 
// Decision expressions
dexpr float Z = sum(i in I, p in P) (D[1][p]*v[i][p]*x[i][p]) + sum(i in I, p in P) (f[i][p]*y[i][p]);
dexpr float K = sum(i in I, j in I, p in P) u[i][j][p]*x[i][p]*x[j][p];

minimize staticLex(Z, K);

// Define constraints
subject to {
 forall(p in P) {
    sum(i in I) x[i][p] == 1;
    sum(i in I) (D[1][p]*v[i][p]*x[i][p] + f[i][p]*y[i][p]) <= B;
    2 <=  sum(i in I) y[i][p];
    sum(i in I) y[i][p] <= Nmax[p];
    Nstr[p] <= sum(i in I) y[i][p]*strat[i][p];
 forall(i in I, p in P) {
   x[i][p] <= C[i][p]*y[i][p];
   MOQ[i][p]*y[i][p] <= x[i][p];
   0<= x[i][p] <= 1;
   0<= y[i][p] <= 1;
   0<= C[i][p] <= 1;
   0<= MOQ[i][p] <= 1;
   0<= strat[i][p] <= 1;

I ran the code and here is its results:

Impossible to load model. final Unknown OPL Problem Marker syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting (identifier) or '[' final.mod /final 27:5-6 D:/final/final.mod OPL Outline Problem Marker

How can I fix it?


  • You should use an execute block to do computations. The following works better:

    using CP;
    int numI = 4;
    int numP = 3;
    int B = 90000000;
    // Define sets
    range I = 1..numI; // set of suppliers
    range P = 1..numP; // set of products
    // Define parameters
    float v[I][P]; // production cost per product for each supplier
    float f[I][P]; // fixed costs of sourcing from supplier i
    float u1[I][I];
    float u2[I][I];
    float u3[I][I];
    dvar int C[I][P]; // Capacity of supplier i (share of the total demand that can be sourced from i)  
    dvar int MOQ[I][P]; // Minimum order quantity of supplier i (in percent of total demand)
    dvar int D[1..1][P]; // demand of each product throughout 1 year 
    int Nmax[P] = [2,2,2];
    int Nstr[P]=[1,1,1];
    dvar int strat[I][P];
    float u[I][I][P];
    for (var i in I)
        for (var j in I)
            for (var p in P)
                if (p == 1)
                    u[i][j][p] = u1[i][j]
                else if (p == 2)
                    u[i][j][p] = u2[i][j]
                    u[i][j][p] =  u3[i][j];
    // Define decision variables
    dvar boolean y[I][P]; // binary variable indicating if a supplier produces a product
    dvar int+ x[I][P]; // proportion of the total demand ordered from supplier i 
    // Decision expressions
    dexpr float Z = sum(i in I, p in P) (D[1][p]*v[i][p]*x[i][p]) + sum(i in I, p in P) (f[i][p]*y[i][p]);
    dexpr float K = sum(i in I, j in I, p in P) u[i][j][p]*x[i][p]*x[j][p];
    minimize staticLex(Z, K);
    // Define constraints
    subject to {
     forall(p in P) {
        sum(i in I) x[i][p] == 1;
        sum(i in I) (D[1][p]*v[i][p]*x[i][p] + f[i][p]*y[i][p]) <= B;
        2 <=  sum(i in I) y[i][p];
        sum(i in I) y[i][p] <= Nmax[p];
        Nstr[p] <= sum(i in I) y[i][p]*strat[i][p];
     forall(i in I, p in P) {
       x[i][p] <= C[i][p]*y[i][p];
       MOQ[i][p]*y[i][p] <= x[i][p];
       0<= x[i][p] <= 1;
       0<= y[i][p] <= 1;
       0<= C[i][p] <= 1;
       0<= MOQ[i][p] <= 1;
       0<= strat[i][p] <= 1;
