I want to change the background colour of my primeng drop-down items which is dependent on a boolean value that I'm getting from an api and pushing it into a array i.e users
I have a array of objects users which contains 3 fields. Response of the api is:
users=[{user_name:john.doe,user_id:'J012', is_promoted:true},{user_name:jane.doe,user_id:'J013', is_promoted:false}]
So I was trying to map the users array to get the is_promoted
If is_promoted is true then the background colour of p-dropdown-items must change to a certain colour.I'm not able to achieve this. Should I try [styleClass]? CSS:
:host ::ng-deep.p-dropdown-items{
<p-dropdown [options]=users optionlabel="user_name" optionvalue="user_id"
[ngStyle]="{'highlight':users.is_promoted==true}"[(ngModel)]="selectedValue> //Gives an error
I'm able to select the value here. But I need to change the background colour of the dropdown element based on the boolean value. How to approach this?
You are talking NgPrime dropdown, right?
You need to use template for this. From the docs:
.promoted {
background-color: red;
:host ::ng-deep .p-dropdown-panel .p-dropdown-items .p-dropdown-item {
.userItem {
padding: 0.75rem 1.25rem;
<p-dropdown [options]="users" [(ngModel)]="selectedValue" optionLabel="user_name" optionValue="user_id" >
<ng-template let-user pTemplate="item">
<div class='userItem' [class.promoted]="user.is_promoted" >{{user.user_name}}</div>
You need also change padding on .p-dropdown-item
because background will be only around the text, not whole option element.