
Can I preview List & Label reports in my WinForm applicaiton?

We have been developing a Desktop application in Visual C++ using MFC. There is a generate report module and we decided to use *List and Label Reporting Tool*.

Issue: Once the report is generated, we can't preview those generated reports in WinForm. In order to preview this it directs is to List and Label desktop previewer. Like shown in the image below. What approach should I take in order to preview this report in my WinForm?


Studied resources:


  • As I know you can use the API LlPreviewDisplay to open/show preview files within your application.

    The other way for more integration could be to use the available OCX control for showing such preview files. Take a look at the documentation of the programmers reference at Displaying a Preview File and The Viewer OCX Control. As I know of List & Label also a lot of programming samples are installed to see how it works in detail.

    btw: cannot comment - to less reputations for that as newbie.