I'm looking to select columns based depending on if they contain the string "time" in the column name.
My first attempt looks like this, but I understand there are some issues, and I'm getting the following - ERROR: The following columns were not found in the contributing tables: name.
proc sql;
select _name_
into :names
from work.dataset1
where (_name_) like '%time%';
What am I missing, as I'm almost sure I'm using the "Where" function incorrectly.
You'll have to search the columns
dictionary table to generate a list of columns that only contain the word time
. These column names will be saved into a comma-separated macro variable named cols
and passed into a subsequent SQL select statement.
proc sql noprint;
select name
into :names separated by ','
from dictionary.columns
where libname = 'WORK'
AND memname = 'DATASET1'
AND upcase(name) LIKE '%TIME%'
proc sql;
select &names
from dataset1;