doesn't open links with target="_blank"
attributes or
calls from JS in the current session - it simply does nothing on these interactions (same as iOS WKWebview
How to default load new tabs/windows in the current GeckoSession
As noted in the onLoadRequest
docs, you can override onLoadRequest with something like this (kotlin):
private fun createNavigationDelegate() = object : GeckoSession.NavigationDelegate {
override fun onLoadRequest(session: GeckoSession, request: GeckoSession.NavigationDelegate.LoadRequest): GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny> {
if ( === NavigationDelegate.TARGET_WINDOW_NEW) {
return GeckoResult.fromValue(AllowOrDeny.ALLOW)
From the docs linked above:
For example, this can be used to override the behavior of TAGET_WINDOW_NEW requests, which defaults to requesting a new GeckoSession via onNewSession.