
Color property of Vuetify 3 button applied to text not button

I'm making a login form in Vuetify 3 as per this tutorial.

I added color="success to one and color="info" to the other, expecting the buttons themselves to change colour, like in the tutorial (I think the lecturer is using Vuetify 2 though).

Tutorial buttons

However, in my component, the buttons have no colour (except on hover) and the color prop affects the text inside the button (I wanted white text and the colour on the buttons themselves):

my component with text coloured not buttons

I searched the docs but can't find any answer, does anyone know why this happened?

Of course I can change the colour myself using a CSS rule but does that not defeat the purpose of using Vuetify somewhat?

Here is my code. I understand that it's not necessary to make an entire project for one component, but I wanted to practice making projects (and also make a re-usable login component!).

    <v-card width="400" class="mx-auto mt-5">
      <v-card-title class="my-5">
        <h1 class="display-1">Login</h1>
          <v-text-field label="Username" prepend-icon="mdi-account-circle" />
            :type="showPassword ? 'text' : 'password'"
            :append-icon="showPassword ? 'mdi-eye' : 'mdi-eye-off'"
            @click:append="showPassword = !showPassword"
        <v-btn class="register" color="success" elevation="2">Register</v-btn>
        <v-btn class="login" color="info" elevation="2">Login</v-btn>

export default {
  name: "App",

  components: {},

  data: () => ({
    showPassword: false,

* {
  caret-color: transparent;



  • Try with variant="elevated" or variant="flat"

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