
Ember upgrade to 3.27 TypeError: Ember.computed.alias is not a function

I'm upgrading a project from 3.26 to 3.27 using ember-cli-update, and then this error started happening, As I could see the error is raised when we try to access some method inside @ember/computed like alias. The first time the error occurred was here



I just commented the line to test and the same error occurred in another addon. So it's not related to the addon but something in the project


  • It is very possible that this is a version related problem, but I have no advanced knowledge of the history of Ember and just discover it.

    You may use the feature as a free function like this:

    import { alias } from '@ember/object/computed';
    const Shirt = Ember.Object.extend({
       colour: 'white',
       color: alias('colour'),