
Problem when trying to connect to blob private endpoint in azure with point-to-site VPN connection to VNET

I have created an Azure Resource Group with a virtual network, a virtual network gateway, a blob storage and a private endpoint for the blob storage. I have configured the storage account to only accept connections from private endpoint.

In order to access the blob storage I configured a point-to-site VPN tunnel to the virtual network gateway and connected to it.

The connection to the vpn has been established successfully, however, I'm still not able to connect to the blob storage. I get the following error message:

Error Message

I'm trying to do this via azure-portal in the browser: test blob connection

It seems like the connection towards the blob storage is still established with my public ip instead of the private ip assigned to my vpn connection:

vpn connection

I have a vague guess that maybe I need to adapt the DNS or add a NAT rule to make sure that traffic from my local pc is actually routed over the vpn to the private endpoint and not using the public endpoint despite the fact that the tunnel is open... Unfortunately I have no idea how to do that.

I'm quite a noob concerning network-related knowledge so I was not able to perform any further debugging on my own. I think it is a fairly simple task and I'm just missing something obvious.

It would be great if someone could point me in the right direction.



  • You have two options to make this work.

    1 - Use hostfile and update the Storage Account FQDN to resolve to the private endpoint's IP.

    2 - Use custom DNS server deployed in Azure as DNS forwarder and forward the requests to Azure Wireserver IP. Refer : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/private-link/private-endpoint-dns#on-premises-workloads-using-a-dns-forwarder enter image description here

    P.S: The above requires you to add DNS suffixes and custom DNS servers to the Azure VPN Client configuration file.