
Web event handling in multiple windows (Blazor)

I'm just starting out on the web and this time I'm having trouble with event handling. I develop with blazor, but this seems like a universally applicable problem.

Where I'm stuck is this. I want to notify the page when I get a message. I had no problem with this when I had one browser screen, but when I test my web with two screens open, the events don't work properly. how do I fix this?

Below is my code.

public event EventHandler<(string contentType, string serverName, string message)> InstallServiceInfoReceived;
public void Receive(BasicDeliverEventArgs eventArgs)
  if (contentType == "SVCMGMT/INSTALL/SVCINFO")
    InstallServiceInfoReceived?.Invoke(this, (contentType, serverName, message));

I fire the event like this and the receive function is always called whenever a message comes in. It's not a matter of the message not arriving.


@inject ServiceInfoReceiveHandler _serviceInfoReceiveHandler

protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
  _serviceInfoReceiveHandler.InstallServiceInfoReceived += OnServiceInfoReceived;
private async void OnServiceInfoReceived(object sender, (string contentType, string serverName, string message) e)

The razor page I want the result of is like above, but OnInfoReceived is not called.


  • Here's a simple demonstration of the Blazor Notification pattern used to communicate between pages with events.

    First a notification service.

    namespace SO76170542.Data;
    public class HelloService
        public event EventHandler<HelloEventArgs>? HelloChanged;
        private string? _hello;
        public string HelloMessage => _hello ?? "No Message Set";
        public void NotifyHelloChanged(string? hello)
            _hello = hello;
            this.HelloChanged?.Invoke(this, new(hello));
    public class HelloEventArgs : EventArgs
        public string? Hello { get; set; }
        public HelloEventArgs(string? hello)
            => Hello = hello;

    Registered in Program.

    // Add services to the container.
    var app = builder.Build();

    And a page to generate and consume messages.

    @page "/"
    @inject HelloService helloService
    <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
    Welcome to your new app.
    <div class="m-2">
        <button class="btn btn-dark" @onclick=this.UpdateHello>Update Hello</button>
    <div class="alert alert-primary">@helloService.HelloMessage</div>
    @code {
        // Register the event handler
        protected override void OnInitialized()
            => this.helloService.HelloChanged += this.OnHelloChanged;
        private Task UpdateHello()
            helloService.NotifyHelloChanged($"Hello Blazor at {DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()}");
            return Task.CompletedTask;
        public void OnHelloChanged(object? sender, HelloEventArgs e)
            => InvokeAsync(this.StateHasChanged);
        // We must de-register the even handler
        public void Dispose()
            => this.helloService.HelloChanged -= this.OnHelloChanged;

    You can see the same pattern applied to FetchData here: How can I trigger/refresh my main .RAZOR page from all of its sub-components within that main .RAZOR page when an API call is complete?

    enter image description here