
Merging a lot of flac files through command line

I have tons of small flac files, which I need to merge into tons of slightly bigger flac files, while also appending random silence at the beginning of each file. For example, I need to merge: a) 125ms of silence + 01.flac + 02.flac + 03.flac b) 36ms of silence + 03.flac + 01.flac + 02.flac and so on. I gave 2 examples above, but I need to create almost 900 of them. I have a database of what to merge with what and I can output it into 1 big text file, in pretty much any format. So my obvious choice is to go and create a batch file that would execute some kind of command line tool.

Now what I don't know is, which of them to use.

I already tried flac.exe and while it does allow working on multiple files at once, it doesn't merge them, so something like flac.exe -8 -o output.flac 01.flac 02.flac simply won't work

I can use anything else as long as it doesn't lower the quality. Ability to generate silence would be a big bonus too, because those silences at the beginning are pretty random in length, so for 900 file combinations I have about 125 lenghts of silence.


  • Turns out it can be done on FLAC, without converting it to WAV.

    The contents of my BAT file look like this (except instead of 2 files per line I have like 8, and instead of 2 lines I have like 800-900:

    ::here merging track 001
    (echo file './in/01.flac'&&echo file './in/02.flac')>temp.txt&&ffmpeg -y -f concat -safe 0 -i temp.txt -af adelay=delays=216:all=1 ".\out\output_001.flac"
    ::here merging track 002
    (echo file './in/02.flac'&&echo file './in/01.flac')>temp.txt&&ffmpeg -y -f concat -safe 0 -i temp.txt -af adelay=delays=216:all=1 ".\out\output_001.flac"
    ::here merging track 003 (this one has no silence at the beginning)
    (echo file './in/02.flac'&&echo file './in/03.flac')>temp.txt&&ffmpeg -y -f concat -safe 0 -i temp.txt ".\out\output_001.flac"
    @del temp.txt
    echo Press any key to exit... && pause>nul

    The setup is:

    The main workhorse of this is the concat command of ffmpeg, which merges together the files provided in the text file. -y is optional, it overwrites without asking if output exists (made testing easier) The (echo ...)>file.txt part inputs the list of tracks into the text file that concat will later use. Each echo is a new line and && merges them together. Can't add spaces for readability or they will end up in the text file. Next -i means input, I provide the text file for concat to work with. Contents of text file should follow this pattern:

    file track_name1.flac
    file track_name2.flac
    file track_name3.flac

    Lastly, I use the delay command on output to add the silence at the beginning of it. Length given in ms, so 1000 = 1 sec.

    Oh, and the @del temp.txt part at the end deletes the temporary text files to restore law and order in your folder :)

    As a fun fact I can add that my database outputs data as CSV, so I use MS Excel to arrange it into BAT commands. Then I just paste it into a BAT file and remove all the \t - that's why having 1 line of commands per 1 file is so important to my work.