
Flutter Objectbox how to fix "Read Only File System" Code 30?

I developed my app for Windows and it works perfectly fine. So after some time I tried to build it to Android, it come with an error

E/Box     (30248): Storage error "Read-only file system" (code 30)

I have read the doc from Objectbox and I know that it is because I tried to access a read only directory. Pretty self explanatory. My question is then how do I fix it ? How do I access the not read-only ?

Here is my code to initialize my Store

Directory paths = Directory("");    
getApplicationDocumentsDirectory().then((dir) => paths = dir);
    _store = Store(getObjectBoxModel(),directory: p.join(paths.path, 'objectBoxMyDirectory'));

Thanks y'all


  • getApplicationDocumentsDirectory returns a Future, meaning there is an delay, .then() is not called immediately.

    You can use

    final dir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
        _store = Store(getObjectBoxModel(), directory: p.join(paths.path, 'objectBoxMyDirectory'));

    or if you cannot make your function async

    () async {
        final dir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
        _store = Store(getObjectBoxModel(), directory: p.join(paths.path, 'objectBoxMyDirectory'));