I am trying to download a secure file from our company's secure SharePoint. I have performed the following steps, and I still receive an AudienceUriValidationFailedException
when trying to download.
Did I miss a step? Am I forgetting something? Using the wrong client secret?
Here is my process:
I created an app registration on the Azure portal
I created a client secret under the registered app
I add the application to my company SharePoint using the https://[COMPANY NAME]-admin.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/appinv.aspx
URL format. I use the "Application (client) ID" string from the Azure app registration. I click the "Lookup" button, and the Title field auto-populates
I click "create", and then "trust it"
Using Postman, I used a POST request to get an access token
I use the token it returns to download the file from SharePoint
The error AudienceUriValidationFailedException
occurred because you generated an access token for Microsoft Graph and used it in SharePoint requests.
To resolve the error, make use of the below Graph API query to download the file from the site:
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/<siteID>/drives/<doclib driveID>/root/children/<filename>
I have one document library with a logo.jpg
file in my SharePoint site like below:
To download this file via a REST API using bearer token, I registered an Azure AD application and added API permissions as below:
Then I generated an access token via Postman with the below parameters:
POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/tenantID/oauth2/v2.0/token
scope: https://graph.microsoft.com/.default
I used this token in running the below Graph query and got a file download link of logo.jpg
in response like this:
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/<siteID>/drives/<doclib driveID>/root/children/<filename>
When I accessed the download URL from the response in my browser, the file downloaded successfully.
You can make use of the below graph query to get the ID of your site:
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/root:/sites/<sitename>
Similarly, you can use the below query to get the Drive ID of a document library:
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/<siteID_from_above_response>/drives