I have a table of a name and a country:
I'm using concatenation, taking A2 and B2 as an example to output the following text in two rows
=CONCAT("Her name is ",A2)
=CONCAT("Her country is ",B2)
Now I'm selecting the concatenation formulas of these two cells and drag them to the bottom so that this can be replicated with the other two names. But since the cocatanated strings of text are in two different cells, it doesn't do that. It jumps a value and doesn't reference the table values in incremental order. Any help would be appreciated.
Current incorrect output:
If your are on Microsoft-365 then try-
=TEXTSPLIT(TEXTJOIN("|",1,"Her name is " & A2:A4 & "|Her country is " & B2:B4),,"|")
For older version of excels could try-
=INDEX({"Her name is ";"Her country is "},MOD(ROW(A2),2)+1) & INDEX($A$2:$B$4,ROUNDDOWN(ROW(A2)/2,0),MOD(ROW(A2),2)+1)