I would like to show you an actual example so that you guys can understand what I am trying to achieve
If you observe carefully, at the beginning of this video, there are cutscenes that are the same for everyone
After that the actual split screen content begins which each screen has something different going on
Notice how we are back to the same cutscene type content around 10:55 and 29:05
Basically whenever there is a cut scene I would like to show it without split screen from a single source
Whenever it is not a cut scene, I want it to be a split screen video
Let us say that 00:00 to 01:15 and 10:00 to 10:30 and 29:00 to end of the video has cutscenes
These 3 parts need to be shown without split screen while the rest of the video shows up as split screen
How do I achieve this in ffmpeg?
I wrote a script that does the split screen part
ffmpeg -i "$player_one.$player_one_extension" \
-i "$player_two.$player_two_extension" \
-i "$player_three.$player_three_extension" \
-i "$player_four.$player_four_extension" \
-filter_complex \
"nullsrc=size=${video_width}x${video_height} [base]; \
[0:v] trim=start=$player_one_offset,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=${half_width}x${half_height}, drawtext=fontfile=control-freak-font/CONTF___.ttf:text='${player_one_name}':fontsize=$font_size:fontcolor=0xFFFFFF:alpha='$alpha':x=w-text_w-${font_padding}:y=h-text_h-${font_padding} [upperleft]; \
[1:v] trim=start=$player_two_offset,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=${half_width}x${half_height}, drawtext=fontfile=control-freak-font/CONTF___.ttf:text='${player_two_name}':fontsize=$font_size:fontcolor=0xFFFFFF:alpha='$alpha':x=w-text_w-${font_padding}:y=h-text_h-${font_padding} [upperright]; \
[2:v] trim=start=$player_three_offset,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=${half_width}x${half_height}, drawtext=fontfile=control-freak-font/CONTF___.ttf:text='${player_three_name}':fontsize=$font_size:fontcolor=0xFFFFFF:alpha='$alpha':x=w-text_w-${font_padding}:y=h-text_h-${font_padding} [lowerleft]; \
[3:v] trim=start=$player_four_offset,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=${half_width}x${half_height}, drawtext=fontfile=control-freak-font/CONTF___.ttf:text='${player_four_name}':fontsize=$font_size:fontcolor=0xFFFFFF:alpha='$alpha':x=w-text_w-${font_padding}:y=h-text_h-${font_padding} [lowerright]; \
[3:a] atrim=start=$audio_offset,asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS[outa]; [base][upperleft] overlay=shortest=1 [tmp1]; [tmp1][upperright] overlay=shortest=1:x=${half_width} [tmp2]; [tmp2][lowerleft] overlay=shortest=1:y=${half_height} [tmp3]; [tmp3][lowerright] overlay=shortest=1:x=${half_width}:y=${half_height}[v]"\
-map "[v]" -map "[outa]" -c:v libx264 -shortest -t $duration "100_100_hardcore_ghost_recon_future_soldier_coop_pc_${mission}4k.mp4"
overlay with enable option
ffmpeg -hide_banner \
-i test03.mkv \
-ss 2 -i test06.mkv \
-ss 4 -i test10.mkv \
-ss 6 -i test14.mkv -filter_complex "
" -map "[v]" -map 3:a -c:v h264 -c:a copy -y /tmp/output.mp4
used -ss
instead trim
filter, scale2ref
instead scale
. Change size of background nullsrc