
sqlcmd error There are no batches in the input script. only if sql file contains GO

sqlcmd has strange behaviour on windows 10 yet works properly on Ubuntu linux box ... when the SQL file does NOT contain GO it seems OK as per

cat  some.sql

SELECT s.name AS schema_name,
       u.name AS schema_owner
FROM sys.schemas s
     INNER JOIN sys.sysusers u ON u.uid = s.principal_id
ORDER BY s.name;

run as

sqlcmd -S foo-bar-dev-baz-001.sql.azuresynapse.net -d  My_Synapse_Dedicated_SQL_Pool  -I -i some.sql

however when my SQL file contains GO it seems to execute OK yet outputs error

There are no batches in the input script.

as per

cat select_schema_with_GO.sql

SELECT s.name AS schema_name,
       u.name AS schema_owner
FROM sys.schemas s
     INNER JOIN sys.sysusers u ON u.uid = s.principal_id
ORDER BY s.name;

here is the run where sql file above contains GO

sqlcmd -S foo-bar-dev-baz-001.sql.azuresynapse.net -d  My_Synapse_Dedicated_SQL_Pool  -I -i select_schema_with_GO.sql
schema_name                                                                                                                      schema_id   schema_owner    
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ADMIN                                                                                                                                     14 dbo             
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa_SELECTION_TOOL                                                                                                        22 dbo             
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb                                                                                                         24 dbo             
cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc                                                                                                              42 dbo             

(45 rows affected)
Msg 104309, Level 16, State 1, Server foo-bar-dev-baz-001, Line 1
There are no batches in the input script.

I am executing this on a windows 10 box using git-bash terminal connecting to a database on Azure Synapse Dedicated SQL pool

sqlcmd -?
Microsoft (R) SQL Server Command Line Tool
Version 15.0.2000.5 NT
Copyright (C) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

So should I just ignore the (error) message

There are no batches in the input script.


  • enter image description here

    "There are no batches in the input script"

    The above line is not an error message, but a message indicating that there are no more batches to execute. When you use the GO command in your SQL script, it divides the script into batches, and each batch is executed separately. The above message is displayed after the last batch has finished execution.

    In this case, the SQL script is run successfully, and the message is just a notification that no further batches are needed to be run. Therefore, you can ignore the message and consider SQL script's execution as successful.